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WORKERS’ COMPENSATION: Attorneys’ Fees? Nope, it’s the Benefits, Dummy.

For the third time in 14 years, the Florida Legislature is taking up the issue of workers’ compensation attorneys’ fees. The question of attorneys’ fees for lawyers representing injured workers is a very touchy subject. The political diatribe against these fees in workers’ compensation claims typically laments “greedy lawyers” who work the system and how the fees increase cost to the system, but is that true? Lobbyists for Associated Industries of Florida, the Chamber of Commerce and others are always hammering away at the Florida Workers’ Compensation System, decrying its exorbitant costs and blaming attorneys fees as the cause. Jeremy Wallace of the Tampa Bay Times does a great job of debunking this is his recent column (click here to read it), as well as showing how difficult it has been and could be again for injured workers to find a lawyer to represent them.

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