Class Codes & Rates:
Class Code:
Per NCCI's Scopes Code Description:
Code 8832 is primarily intended to apply to medical providers that operate in a typical doctor’s office environment. The classification contemplates physicians, dentists, other employees providing medical services, domestics or other maintenance personnel engaged exclusively in cleaning or maintaining the portion of an insured’s premises used for professional purposes and clerical office employees. Code 8832 contemplates clerical operations, whether performed in the physician’s office or elsewhere, such as in a centralized location completely separate and apart from the areas where professional services are performed. Employees of a physician’s office that is located in a hospital, who are employed by the physician and not employed by the hospital, are properly classified to Code 8832.
Rate per $100. of Renumeration: $
Construction Exemption Required:
Please see the attached graph for the 25 year rate history of this workers' compensation class code in the State of Florida .
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