Class Codes & Rates:
Class Code:
Per NCCI's Scopes Code Description:
Code 5506 is applied to insureds engaged in street or road construction involving paving or surfacing new streets or roads or repaving or resurfacing or scraping existing streets or roads. New construction includes all work beginning with the construction of the concrete or crushed stone base on an established grade and carries on through the paving or surfacing of the street or road, regardless of the types of surface, and finishing operations, i.e., trimming of road shoulders, erecting guardrails or fences (whether performed by specialist contractors or others), painting safety lines or center stripes and installing curbs or gutters. Airport construction involving paving runways or warming aprons is also contemplated within the scope of this classification as are asphalt works operated by these street or road contractors at a temporary location set up at their particular job site. Repaving or resurfacing or scraping existing streets or roads includes scraping or cleaning the existing surface and the application of the resurfacing material as well as scraping existing dirt or gravel roads including regraveling and oiling when undertaken by these repaving or resurfacing contractors. This classification does not include the widening or changing of the subsurface roadbed or any of the operations, enumerated in this classification's footnote, which must be separately classified. Oil distributors who deliver and spread oil in conjunction with spreading sand or gravel also fall within the scope of Code 5506 as do specialist contractors engaged in asphalt laying on top of already constructed highways and the spraying of roads with liquid asphalt.
Rate per $100. of Renumeration:Â $
Construction Exemption Required:
Please see the attached graph for the 25 year rate history of this workers' compensation class code in the State of Florida .
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