The risk of combustible dust explosions in industrial settings, initiated by electrostatic discharges, presents a significant challenge to maintaining safety and reliability in processes involving flammable particulates.
This webinar delves into the critical examination of electrostatic hazards, with a particular focus on combustible dusts as potential fuels for explosions triggered by electrostatic discharges. Through a combination of case histories and use of laboratory test data, our study emphasizes the importance of early detection and diagnosis of electrostatic phenomena that could lead to combustible dust explosions.
This webinar scrutinizes two incidents: one involving the ignition of a dust cloud by electrostatic discharge in a simple sieving operation, and another in the production of flake where an electrostatic discharge led to a combustible dust explosion.
By employing diagnostic tools and utilizing materials’ data, we were able to trace the electrostatic pathways that contributed to these incidents. We identified the processes and equipment where charge generation and accumulation occurred, leading to the conditions favorable for an electrostatic discharge that could ignite the combustible dust atmosphere.
This webinar highlights the key factors influencing charge generation and accumulation, discharge mechanisms, and the specific conditions under which a combustible dust atmosphere can become ignitable. The incidents studied showed early warning signs of electrostatic accumulation, which, if recognized and addressed, could have averted the incidents. Our approach emphasizes the critical role of understanding electrostatic charge generation, accumulation, and discharge incendivity in preventing dust explosions through practical and targeted interventions.
By focusing on combustible dust hazards, this webinar expands the discussion on electrostatic safety and presents strategies for mitigating risks associated with electrostatic discharges. The implementation of grounded equipment, the management of insulating materials, and the optimization of process conditions are discussed as effective measures to control electrostatic charges and prevent ignition in dust-laden environments.
In conclusion, our findings provide insights for companies handling combustible dusts, offering a path toward enhancing safety protocols, reducing the risk of dust explosions, and maintaining operational integrity through the control of electrostatic discharges.
Event type: Live Webinar Cost: Free
Date: May 9, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM ET
Event Host: OH&S Duration: 1 hour