Class Codes & Rates:
Class Code:
Per NCCI's Scopes Code Description:
Code 8603 is applicable to establishments primarily engaged in drawing detailed layouts, plans, and illustrations of buildings, structures, systems, or components from engineering and architectural specifications. Drafters use Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) systems to prepare detailed engineering and architectural of 3D models and/or 2D drawings of physical components, but it is also used throughout the engineering process from conceptual design and layout of products, through strength and dynamic analysis of assemblies to definition of manufacturing methods of components. Although CADD is used extensively, drafters utilize traditional drafting techniques such as manual drafting and sketching.
Rate per $100. of Renumeration: $
Construction Exemption Required:
Please see the attached graph for the 25 year rate history of this workers' compensation class code in the State of Florida .
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