Class Codes & Rates:
Class Code:
Per NCCI's Scopes Code Description:
Code 5479 is reserved for specialist contractors installing or applying the various types of acoustical or thermal insulating materials in buildings or within building walls. Representative materials used are the flexible type in the form of blankets or quilts; loose fills or mineral substances in granulated, powder, cellulose or fibrous wood forms; pads and bats of mineral wool; slabs of cork board or wood fiber; rigid type such as wood and sugarcane fiberboard and the reflective type often consisting of aluminum foil encased in paper. The method of installing the various types of insulation are generally by hand, blower, nailing or by cementing with special adhesive.
Rate per $100. of Renumeration:Â $
Construction Exemption Required:
Please see the attached graph for the 25 year rate history of this workers' compensation class code in the State of Florida .
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