Florida Contracting Classification Premium Adjustment Program:
Available Discount: 5% to 25%
The State of Florida has provided a credit for rate relief from the cost of workers' compensation for employers engaged in the construction industry that pay their workers higher than the state average, as determined by the Department of Financial Services.. Unlike the Drug-Free and Safety Workplace Credit programs, there is nothing to establish. This credit program is simply one that you apply for and either your wages are above the state average or they are not.
The application is made to the NCCI and based on payroll from the 3rd quarter of the previous year. If you did not engage in contracting operations during the third quarter of the prior calendar year, the requested information to be provided should then be for the last complete calendar quarter prior to the effective date of your workers compensation policy.
Only straight time is included in the calculation. Overtime is not included.
Non-Construction payroll is not included in the calculation.
For a list of the classifications that are available for the FCCPAP discount, see the list below:
0042 5057 5222 5478 5610 6206 6260
0050 5059 5223 5479 5613 6213 6306
1322 5069 5348 5480 5645 6214 6319
2799 5102 5402 5491 5651 6216 6325
3365 5146 5403 5506 5703 6217 6400
3719 5160 5437 5507 5705 6229 7538
3724 5183 5443 5508 6004 6233 7605
3726 5188 5445 5509 6006F 6235 7855
5020 5190 5462 5535 6017 6236 8227
5022 5213 5472 5537 6018 6237 9534
5037 5215 5473 5551 6045 6251 9554
5040 5221 5474 5606 6204 6252
Once approved for the credit, it will be applied as of the inception date of the coverage following the payroll period being used for the calculation of the contracting average wage.
A new application must be completed each and every year in order to further qualify for the credit.
If you have not applied for the FCCPAP credit previously and qualify, it may be possible to retroactively apply the credit to your 3 previous insurance policies. We will be glad to assist you with the application for the FCCPAP credit and gain the discounts you deserve. It is part of the services we provide to all of our clients at Work Comp Associates, Inc.