Class Codes & Rates:
Class Code:
Per NCCI's Scopes Code Description:
Code 8304 is applied to insureds engaged in the operation of all types of grain elevators except floating elevators, and includes local managers and drivers. This classification contemplates line or country grain elevators found in small towns or, in some instances, along railroad right-of-ways in open country, which are used as temporary concentration points where grain purchased from and brought in by farmers during the thrashing season is stored prior to being resold in wholesale lots and shipped to either terminal elevator operators or to flour mills. Terminal elevators usually found in industrial centers having facilities for receiving or shipping by rail or water also fall within the scope of Code 8304. The operations of both line and terminal elevators involve weighing, cleaning, grading, drying and conveying of the grain to the lofts of the elevators from which it is distributed to bins according to grade. Such operations involve the use of intricate machinery for loading or unloading as well as periodic reshuffling of the grain from one bin to another to prevent spoilage prior to shipment. Local managers or any persons by whatever title they are known, having direct charge and responsibility of grain elevator operations, are contemplated within the scope of Code 8304. See Basic Manual Rule 1-C-2-e (Rule IV-C-3, 1996 edition) for a description of the term local managers.
Rate per $100. of Renumeration:Â $
Construction Exemption Required:
Please see the attached graph for the 25 year rate history of this workers' compensation class code in the State of Florida .
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